What are advantages over regular solo mining?

Mining at tbdice.org avoids the overheads of running a full bitcoin node that requires both great storage and bandwidth for optimal performance.
TBDice.org is extensively connected to high speed low latency bitcoin nodes for rapid block change notification and propagation.
Unlike regular pools, tbdice (ckpool) never mines transaction-free blocks due to its ultra-scaleable code which has miners on both new blocks and transactions concurrently.

To whom the pool is suitable to?

TBDice owners.
Large mining farms.
Regular miners struggling to recoup costs who wish to take extra risk for greater reward potential for part or all of their hashrate.
The last backup for all miners who don't have a solo setup or wish to avoid the overheads of running one.
Miners with old/inefficient miners that will never earn any rewards through regular mining that wish to leave it mining as a lottery.